A blog post by Sunit Bagree, Communications Manager for Inclusive Urban Infrastructure, that draws on the voices of marginalised people …[more »]
Voices of the marginalised: Making urban infrastructure inclusive

A blog post by Sunit Bagree, Communications Manager for Inclusive Urban Infrastructure, that draws on the voices of marginalised people …[more »]
Consumption is one of the cornerstones of mainstream economics, assumed to derive from the aggregated decisions of isolated individuals maximising …[more »]
An opinion piece by Sunit Bagree, Communications Manager for Inclusive Urban Infrastructure, arguing that the G7’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment …[more »]
Our Inclusive Urban Infrastructure action research project is concerned with how the provision of water, sanitation, energy, transport and communications …[more »]
According to the UN Population Division, between now and 2050 virtually all of the world’s population growth will occur in cities. Moreover, …[more »]